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Donegal Community Inclusion
Training Services

Taca HSE Training Service

Where is the programme based?

Taca’s Employer Based Training Programme covers the whole of County Donegal.

Who is the programme for?

The ETB programme is for Individuals who are 17 & over who may have experienced difficulties while attending school, may have a disability or have experienced illness.

How can someone get on the programme?

Individuals can contact the ETB, Intreo & HSE Guidance Officers. Information and advice can also be sought directly from the Taca office (074 95 32611).

Cost of the programme

There is no cost to enrol on the programme.

What supports are available?

Individual supports are available depending on requirements such as:

  • Technology grants
  • Additional time allocated for completion of course/modules
  • One to one support/tuition
  • CV Preparation
  • Interview skills/communication skills
  • Travel allowance
  • Professional supports through HSE, Intreo, ETB
  • Personal supports, advice regarding Social Welfare Payments, letter writing, personal representation
  • Work Experience sourcing

What activities make up the programme?

The Employer Based Training Programme is a level 3 ETB funded course, as part of the course and considering past educational achievements a Learner may complete all or some of the modules contained below:

Phase 1:

  • Course orientation/Induction
  • Vocational Assessment
  • Placement Matching,
  • Host Company Orientation
  • Preparation for Empployment
  • Career Information

Phase 2:

  • Workplace Skills
  • Personal & Interpersonal skills
  • Health & Safety Awareness
  • Occupational First Aid
  • Complimentary Education (Optional)
  • Application of number
  • Computer literacy
  • Communications
  • Health & Fitness

Phase 3:

  • Career Preparation/Interview Skills/CV Preparation
  • Further education or training
  • Supported employment


Employer Based Training programme.


Fetac level 3 Certification.

How long can someone stay on the programme?

The duration of the Employer Based Training Programme is 18 Months.

Is the programme full-time or part-time?

The programme can be a full time or part-time programme. Full time programme is 30hrs or more. Part-time is 20hrs minimum.

Is there a waiting list for the programme?

There is a waiting list some of the time depending on the numbers who take up the course at any one time.

Additional Information

All Fetac Certification is nationally recognised and presented by the Educational Training Board at County presentations.
TACA HSE Training Service
Unit 6
Gweedore Business Park
County Donegal
Thomas Boyle
Programme Coordinator
087 1424479