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Donegal Community Inclusion
Training Services

CI Hub Letterkenny

Where is the programme based?

CI Hub is based in temporary locations at CI Ballyraine and Rossan College. The new permanent premises will be in the Letterkenny town centre and it is hoped that this will be ready by September 2021. The CI Hubs temporary locations provide easy access to Letterkenny town and the communities faciliaties.

Who is the programme for?

The CI Hub is a Day Service that provides supports for adults aged 18 to 65 years who have a mild/ moderate Intellectual Disability and / or Autism.

How can someone get on the programme?

Referrals to the programme(s) are normally through an Occupational Guidance Officer/ HSE Day Services Supports Guidance Development Unit. 

Cost of the programme

The programme is free. There is no charge for the programme, there may be a cost for some community based modules or activities, depending on the modules chosen. If you travel with SITT Local Link to/from the centre, SITT charge €3 per day for this transport. 

What supports are available?

  • Frontline Staff support
  • Community Access Facilitators 
  • Agency Staff
  • Keyworker Support (Each individual is assigned a Keyworker) 
  • Person- centred planning support. 
  • Positive Behaviour Support Planning ( Keyworker /  Staff Team in Hub) 
  • Intellectual Disability Nurse

The below supports  if needed r require a referral and there may be a waiting list

  • Social Worker
  • Psychology
  • Community mental health team
  • Outreach Support for those who require it

What activities make up the programme?

The CI Hub have developed a programme is made up of morning modules, based around the individuals choices running from 10.30am to 12.30pm and afternoon modules running from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The CI Hub provides a range of training areas and facilities to meet the support needs of the individual. There is a focus on community inclusion, accessing community facilities, resources and mainstream activities where possible. When activities within the community are not available they can be organised onsite. Some examples of activities are: Gardening; Discover Donegal; Music; Travel Training; Technology; Healthy Living; Money Management; Well Being / Relaxation; Guitar Lessons; Independent living skills; Personal decision making; and so much more.


  • CI Dawn
  • CI Alpha
  • CI Aspire
  • CI Connect


QQI Certification is available as an option for anyone who wants it, at levels 1, 2 and 3.

How long can someone stay on the programme?

DCITS provides support for adults aged 18-65. Attendance is not time – limited. Plans and transitions will be fully supported for service users progressing through DCITS Programmes at levels Dawn, Alpha, Aspire and Connect.

Is the programme full-time or part-time?

DCITS offers both full-time and part-time options, depending on each individual's needs, wishes and preferences.

Is there a waiting list for the programme?

You should contact the Programme Coordinator directly for up to date information on waiting lists. 

Additional Information

A number of personal care giving facilities are available if required, including a fully accessible toilet. Individuals have their own lockers with a key which they have access to at all times for storing personal belongings. All communication with the individual is addressed to the individual themselves.Individuals can choose to invite their family/friends/carers or other support people to their Person Centred Planning meetings which take place every 6 months. This involves discussion with the individual around their identified goals / activities.
As a service, we want to know if there is anything the individuals would like to change or things they are not happy about or what they feel is working well. There is a number of ways this is done, such as : A Suggestion box, Service User Forum’s, Service user Social Committee’s, Satisfaction Survey’s and Consultative Meetings.

CI Hub Letterkenny

CI Hub Letterkenny
Unit BL1 3+4,
Town Centre Development,
Pearse Road,
Carah Funston
Programme Coordinator
074 9114606